I would glady press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+WindowsKey+Ç if this would allow me to avoid browsing 3 submenu options with the mouse.
I’m just desperate due to reading thousand-page long pdf files with no default “Table of Contents”(or “Bookmarks” depending on the chosen name for that other feature).
I’m a refugee coming from Adobe Plugin reader for Chrome, which has been deprecated because it used NPAPI. Many other popular alternatives (Chrome PDF viewer, Firefox PDF.js, Kami) have no sane way to use the equivalent Favorites feature. You can find 10 years worth of feature requests for all those alternatives that have been ignored.
This is a make or break feature for this specific niche of users. I’m sure you will get a small horde of similar refugees if Favorites management becomes as easy as possible, i.e., adding ANY key shortcut. Or even better, a customizable key shortcut, but I have no idea how SumatraPDF handles shortcuts, so that may be out of the question.
Where are key shortcuts dealt with? At the engine source files or script files? (And which files?)
Disregard that, I had completely missed the Alt+A+Enter path. Maybe adding a string for this menu entry would help with people that aren’t used to “implicit” shortcuts.