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Home / Unexpected, Sudden Error leading to Immediate Close of the Program


Hello Everyone :slight_smile:

I have a recurrent problem since two days and dunno how can I sort it out: whenever i click on the saved novels that I have on my pc, which used to be opened with SumatraPDF, it closes suddenly while stating that there was an unexpected error and windows cannot find a solution.

What can i do? I tried to uninstall and re-install it, but nothing works. I like the program and thanks to it, I have started loving reading books digitally :frowning:


Let’s start by verifying it’s Sumatra.

Start Sumatra, use File/Open (or drag&drop the file on the window). If Sumatra doesn’t crash, then it’s some kind of misconfiguration on your system that I can’t help with.

If Sumatra crashes, then it should show a message box saying it crashed.

In that case, try a few different files, to see if it’s limited to just a single file or does it crash with all of them.

In any case, create a bug report as described in

Provide your OS version, sumatra version, the file that crashes.

You can also try pre-release version ( to see if it fixed the crash.


Thanks a lot for your detailed reply and explanation for possible solutions. I sorted it through downloading the 64-bit binaries pre-release version and I opened one of the installed books eventually.

Thanks again :slight_smile: