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Home / Ultra eBook Reader incorporates older SumatraPDF code


Has anyone noticed that there is a package that is available from the Microsoft Apps catalog named Ultra eBook Reader? Is there anyone at this forum that might have some ideas about how the user interface was created? There are some very interesting aspects of their interface such as the border, control ribbon, and other subtleties.


Yes they they are one of multiple pirates that charge for an old cloned copy of Open Source SumatraPDF code without opening up their mods. Some have added DRM or other “enhancements” and claimed their snake oil is better for protecting users “rights” but clearly breach licence rules themselves.

Some are reasonable translation forks to support other cultures and adhere to publishing their code on GitHub. However there are many more that rebadge or modify the interface and then claim their own copyright!

Avoid those that contain malware, or like UEB bundle other PUPs and use out of date libraries, or otherwise hit your pocket save yourself $29.99 and get the more secure free version here.

AFAIK There are only two “badged” official variants to SumatraPDF with slightly different behaviours one is the PortableApps version hosted on SourceForge see the other is a trimmed down PDF variant you may note from the source code called “RA-MICRO PDF Viewer”


Wonderful, thanks for your feedback.