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Home / Top Menu for djvu files?


Sorry such a dumb newbie ? but
when I open a pdf file, menu is there
when I open a djvu file, it is not???
Have searched some, can’t find a relevant answer


Not so dumb a question, it throws me sometimes as SumatraPDF has different interface for some different doc types however djvu and pdf should be treated as default that is menu visible, so perhaps the djvu is not really a djvu, perhaps another type with wrong file extension? scrub that idea I tried renaming a few different types and SumatraPDF refused to open “wrong” type
Unless I hit F8 prior to loading a djvu the menu is there and if I have it switched off for a djvu it will be off for the next pdf,not what your describing, so I’m stumped unless you can give us more details about version/source (downloaded from where) of SumatraPDF and if you have a source link or can upload djvu to web


I just downloaded the 64 bit version from SumatraPdf website
When I ask it to open a PDF, it opens with a top menu
When I ask it to open a Djvu, no top menu
When I hit F8 (on my lenovo lap top actually F8
doe nothing
I’ll try rebooting and see if that helps
I can upload the Djvu file if that would be useful


thanks there are a few 64bit versions (pre-release or portable etc ) helps to know exactly which one and what OS your using 10 or earlier the file would definitely help to prove if its file or PC installation at “fault”


64 bit version, standard, just whatever comes up in download box
but I was mistaken, it’s an epub file, not djvu, I told you I was stupid
I assume epub doesn’t allow a top menu
I’ll convert it to pdf
again very sorry


It doesn’t by default but can be made to do so.

You just need to edit the SumatraPDF-settings.txt file by going to the menu > Settings > Advanced Options and modify:

EbookUI [
    # if true, the UI used for PDF documents will be used for ebooks as well (enables printing and searching, disables automatic reflow)
    UseFixedPageUI = false


EbookUI [
    # if true, the UI used for PDF documents will be used for ebooks as well (enables printing and searching, disables automatic reflow)
    UseFixedPageUI = true

as mentioned in the comment.


Right you are, worked like a charm
Many thanks