I use sumatraPDF to display .pdf after compiling .tex with platex and dvipdfmx commands in TexStudio+Texlive2018. It always issues “finished with error” message on the log. How do I know the cause and fix it ?
My environment is as follows;
Texlive 2018
TexStudio 2.12.14
PDF command to use in TexStudio: PDF command: “C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe” -reuse-instance -inverse-search “”"“C:\Program Files (x86)\TeXstudio\texstudio.exe”"" “”"%%f""" -line %%l" “?am.pdf” -forward-search “?c:am.tex” @
This is long option is to enable backforward or forward search between locations on .tex and .pdf.
Thank you.