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Home / Sumatra print bug


Witam, w ostatnim czasie wykorzystuję Sumatrę do generowania wydruków dokumentów o różnych rozmiarach, na tę okoliczność mam utworzone dwa różne udziały sieciowe do tej samej drukarki (KM) jeden jest skonfigurowany dla wydruków A4, drugi dla wydruków 99mm/210mm.
Udziały są poprawnie zmapowane w Windows, i porawnie można odczytać ich konfigurację, natomast po wyedytowaniu właściwości drukarki spod Sumatry sumatra odczytuje te właściwosci które dotyczą drukarki ustawionej w systemie jako domyślna,
Powoduje to że jeżeli domyslna jest A4 to małe dokumenty drukują się na A4,
jeżeli domyślna jest dla małych dokumentów to A4 drukuje się też na małych. Oczywiście wybieram zawsze drukarkę która mnie w danym momencie interesuje, ale to i tak nie zmienia sytuacji…
Czy jest mozliwość by zweryfikować ten błąd i ewentualnie poprawić wydruki z Sumatry?

Moderator’s Note:
I have translated your comments but please try to use English.
Wysyłałem swoje komentarze, ale proszę, spróbuj użyć angielskiego.

Hi, recently I use Sumatra to generate prints of documents of different sizes, for this circumstance I have created two different network shares for the same printer (KM) one is configured for A4 prints, the other for prints 99 mm / 210 mm.

Shares are correctly mapped in Windows, and you can correctly read their configuration while you edit the properties of the printer from Sumatra

Sumatra reads those properties of the printer set in the system as the default,

This leads to the fact that if the default is A4 - it is small documents print on A4,
If the default is set for small documents, A4 is also printed on small ones.

Of course, I always choose the printer which I am interested in the moment, but it still does not change the situation…

Is it possible to verify this error and possibly improve the output of Sumatra?


This is a known Issue that SumatraPDF asks windows system what is default page size and logically there should be only 1 default :slight_smile:

We can point the output to different printer papers, but the problem has already been created.

One way round this is to change default printer before starting SumatraPDF
or from print run on command line but I guess you have done this from your comments.

It’s not an error its part of the way windows works

Command line paper sizes have been significantly updated in current daily build, built on 2020-11-23, and later pre-releases for more details see


Thank’s for your answer.
You are right of’course, but mayby this is problem that The SumatraPDF read the default paper from windows default printer.
We need that SumatraPDF read default paper from the printer we choose…


Sumatra will use what windows gives so you need to change windows.


I tried but MS all the settings are displaying correctly



Windows reads the correct paper size from the printer properties,sumatrapdf reads the paper format set for the default printer



I agree SumatraPDF can not change the windows default that is an issue (as already raised)

When using print dialog for any printer you can change page size of output to a range of sizes A6 A4 A3 etc.

When using command line printing SumatraPDF may not change paper size unless told to change from default paper to a fixed range of sizes (99/210 is NOT in that range)

If windows default is 99/120 SumatraPDF can Fit or Shrink to suit the default