Hello Everyone!
Not sure if my copy of Sumatra is operating right.
I have a PDF file on my flash drive from my PC’s USB port.
However, when I try to open the file I get a Blank Sumatra PDF
file, with a listing of different Sumatra GOTOs in a center square
dialog box. I downloaded a new copy with no betters results.
Any suggestions as to why this is happening and I cannot open the file
with Sumatra??? Thanks Much…
Home / PDF file on flash drive


Are you sure it is a valid copy you download as I never heard such a description.
Just for now try this current pre-release version, I Dont normally fix links to such version so I will remove link once you confirm it is working as expected. It works for me on USB drive. https://kjkpubsf.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/software/sumatrapdf/prerel/SumatraPDF-prerel-13356.exe