Hello everyone
I use Sumatra PDF portable, and now I found out, that meanwhile I have about 32000 .tmp files in the folder “…\SumatraPDFPortable\Data\Temp”. What are the files needed for, or is it possible to delete them (automatically). Many thanks for help.
Greetings, Fred
Home / Many files in SumatraPDFPortable\data\temp

Hi Fred
official SumatraPDF portable should not build \Data\Temp
I would ditch that rogue version and get a clean one from prerelease or older stable 3.1.2 then tell us if the official one does anything similar
Only 1 other source can be recognized as acceptable, and they have their own support at https://portableapps.com/support

Hi again
I installed this new (portable) version. It exists only from the one file.
My “old” version was “2.3.2”, and it had some subfolders,
Till now, no data/temp folder was created or any data stored in the new programm folder (except “ini-file”)
Thank you!

Here is what the latest Portable folder could look like after first run, there is the exe file and as it first runs the advanced SumatraPDF-settings.txt then opening files there may be added a folder called sumatrapdfcache finally there may be 3 extra pdb files if you requested them for any crashdumping but I never saw \data\temp here
The sumatrapdfcache is for all those thumbnails (like1339ad261d62229b3f6ef92f6c82a6b3.PNG) for the first page of Your Top 10 favorite covers and over time if you read 32000 files there would be 32000 covers but only 10 are needed ? Those 32000 can safely be deleted as they will rebuild when you next open the first of your Top 10 favorite files.

I first tried to put the new version in the old folder, but SumatraPDF did not remember were I was in the last PDF (always showed first page)
In the meantime I put the the new version in a new folder, and it looks like your screenshot above.
Now it works as expected.
The old folder with the data/temp… I already deleted.
Thanks again for your support!

The picture is gonne.

Many pictures in this and other Discourse forums were lost
I have replaced one missing above