I’m finishing up a 3.3 release.
The big feature here is a start of annotation editing.
Would be great to shake out as many bugs as possible before the release.
So please give it a try (https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/dailybuilds), test annotation features (Editing annotations) and report bugs as described in How to submit bug reports
Also added a lot of new strings that need translation so if you now some non-English languages, please contribute translations Translations for SumatraPDF
To set the expectations for 3.3: there’s plenty missing features for annotations and you can assume that the obvious ones will be added at some point.
At the moment I’m most interested in crashes and serious issues that would affect a lot of people, so that they can be fixed before doing 3.3 release.
Also, I don’t edit PDFs myself so when providing feedback it’s helpful if you describe not only what feature is needed but also why.