The current version 3.1.2 doesn’t allow reorder tabs. I wish to reorder them manually or by alphabetical order (please consider multi-language)
Add right-click menu to the tabs, in the menu I can do like “duplicate tab”, “close other tabs to the left”, “close other tabs to the right”, “close all tabs but this one”, “lock tab (so it won’t be closed automatically by other command unless you unlock the tab first)”, etc.
I put the PDFs in flash drive and use Sumatra to open them automatically by “remember last opened files”. Sometimes I forgot to insert the drive, so Sumatra can’t open them. But after I insert the drive, I have to open the missing files manually. Is ti possible to add an option “allow Sumatra to open the previously missing PDFs”
Home / [ Feature Request and Function Improvement ] Tab Operations


Feature requests and improvements if important to you are best addressed as new issues at https://github.com/sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf/issues
to answer some user questions
The current version 3.1.2 does allow reorder tabs manually, simply drag to right or left.
for Alphabetic reorder see response to question 3 -
open a new issue as an [enhancement]
“Session Data” is dynamic so if the files remembered from previous session were listed alphabetically and some are missing they will be removed, however if you keep a back-up copy of SumatraPDF-settings.txt when closing your last session and once the files are available on the drive
A close Sumatra
B replace settings file with your back-up
C reopen SumatraPDF
Then all will be as expected
