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An "Error loading " message pops up when trying to open the following mobi file

How should I proceed?


I suspect the file is protected. It is intended to be used on a Kindle device not in a generic reader.
It most likely has some Amazon Digital Rights Management. Here it is open on my PC.

Note I am only on page 67 of 528007
Certainly it is a gigantic file for one single reading, and thus knocks out any one of several other mobi readers I use. Just attempting to move from cover to page one can generally cause a fault.

I would request a refund and ask for a more suitable portable format such as 26 separate PDF’s.


Thanks for replying. Could you divide the file into different pdf parts so that I can open them without it crashing?


The file is copyrighted you need to ask (and possibly pay?) the owner (Collins?) for usable formats.