sumatraPDF doesn’t install a text search filter for EPUB but the source code is ready to generate the IFilter dll. So I decided to build it myself and here is the final article:
Home / Epub ifilter for text search

I’m not really sure your app is in the spirit of the gpl
if you make any changes to the code and or make a new project (epubFilter.dll) you need to provide that code with a agpl license
you could have started a new git project and branched the code there just providing an exe is a violation of the AGPL

this is not an app and I didn’t make any changes to the code. I just changed a preprocessor definition!

first off it’s a good thing to contribute to the open source community so tank you, I do know zeniko wrote most of the epub ifilter unfortunately he’s been gone a while,
but you did create a new file epubFilter.dll for which you did created a visual studio project it doesn’t matter if that is an exe or dll or xyz file you used agpl code your code so your code must be agp tool and must be available to the public you can’t just give an installer, afaik the agpl so even more restrictive in the since that even if you don’t redistribute the final product the code must be made available
what is the problem with creating a github (or account and uploading your code there it takes only 10 minutes
if you don’t do it you’re violating the agpl
or you could just zip your code and put it on your page but a git account could be beneficial to the community
on the other hand I’m just some dude on the internet so don’t mind my opinion as everybody’s got an opinion
I didn’t install your app so I’m not quite sure what you did did you disable the pdf ifilter or did you just compile PdfFilter.dll with the epub defines on and just renamed the dll?
if so is this a vanilla build of SumatraPDF with the exe’s removed and one of the DLL’s renamed?

there is no need to create red tape and new projects. Nobody is interested in a clone that differs just in a preprocessor definition!?
the ideal solution of course would be for the sumatraPDF guys to enable the EPUB filter since all the code is already there, and if it’s not too much trouble to also include IFilter functionality for MOBI ebooks, which is already handled by sumatrapdf

I also made a IFilter component for kindle MOBI/AZW files, and here’s the free installer
this one doesn’t depend on Sumatra’s mobi code but another library called libmobi
happy holidays!