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Home / Acrobat Viewer search - found in center of rectangular area indication


(possible Future-Feature) – AcrobatViewer -like search-found Spot indicator

A few days ago, i was going to use the AcrobatViewer for the 1st time in 6 or 8 weeks, because… . . .

i was searching for Double-quote marks (and/or Some short Search-string) (in a PDF file) and i had trouble finding the Spot where the match was found.

and i remembered that AcrobatViewer had a fancy feature in such cases (a big Rectangle around that Spot)

So on this occasion, i almost used AcrobatViewer — but didn’t.


For clarity this only applies in acrobat for highlighting single characters thus not to a pair of letters, it is generally only useful when zoomed out so much the selection is not visible thus when zoom is less than 100%.